This is the post I never wanted to write. My first “baby” who I had over 15 years with, crossed the bridge May 25, 2024. For months I prayed I wouldn’t have to make the decision of when it was time to let Remington go, because I just couldn’t do it. We made the decision […]

Beau had a Going with Grace session just several days before he would receive his wings. My 7-year-old daughter is very inquisitive, so she knew the story about Beau and his photo session. But, when she saw his photos on my computer as I was editing, she said “Wait – he doesn’t look sick. He […]

Whew! We made it through 2020! As we all say goodbye to such an interesting year, I’m reflecting on our blessings. I know so many who’ve said goodbye to dear loved ones (and not necessarily from Covid) – husbands, children, grandparents, babies, pets, friends. It’s not lost on me that life is a gift and […]

As Daylight Saving Time nears, this beautiful evening light will disappear during my available timeframe on weeknights.  To book a Fall session for an upcoming weeknight, I have select dates from 5:30-6:30pm through October 31. I have a few weekend sessions left on Saturday, November 2 only. All sessions for the remainder of the year […]

Chaos. Pure chaos. That is the only way I can describe 90% of my pet photo shoots. What can I say – I love dogs and I love a good challenge. I’ve been a professional pet photographer for 10 years and I still tell clients I’ve never met a dog I can’t photograph. What I […]

   Design by Jessica Gingrich Creative & Customized by FixYourImages Photography @2023
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Design by Jessica Gingrich Creative
Customized by FixYourImages Photography @2023
Created with Showit