Meet Jack. He’s the resident kitty at Mariposa Veterinary Wellness Center and is a pretty special fella. The amount of love that poured out of the office on his photo shoot day was palpable. Jack is so loved and sadly his health is declining. The kind folks at Mariposa wanted to ensure his sweet soul […]

Oh what a difference a year makes. Lady A was only a few months old last December, just learning to hold her head up. Here’s my best attempt at recreating this photo at 15 months. My husband jokes we should make her do this when she’s a teenager. Stay tuned! LOL. Now she’s walking (running) […]

I am excited to announce that rustic mini sessions will be available year-round in 2018 in the wooded lot of our home in Olathe, KS! I’ve had such a positive response for our holiday mini sessions that I wanted to expand to offer this throughout the year and not limited to one particular weekend.  There are a few great […]

Going with Grace© was born a few years after I started my pet photography journey.  I received so many inquiries from people who were about to say goodbye to their pet and they wanted to preserve their memories in the form of photographs. I soon realized I needed to offer a special service to future […]

As a new Mom, I’ve been struggling lately with balancing work and home life. Not only do I have a day job in marketing, but I still offer photography sessions during the week and weekends as I have time (which is pretty limited these days!) Since having a baby, I made it my personal mission […]

Sweet Zoe had her golden hour Going with Grace session this weekend. She is 16 years young and was diagnosed with Cushing’s Disease about 3 years ago. Zoe still has tons of energy and became my BFF after she realized I had an endless supply of treats. I love that Zoe’s Mom was proactive about booking this […]

   Design by Jessica Gingrich Creative & Customized by FixYourImages Photography @2023
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Design by Jessica Gingrich Creative
Customized by FixYourImages Photography @2023
Created with Showit