Happy Birthday to my first “baby”! I still remember bringing Remington home at 3 months old. I was in my late 20s, no clue how to care for any living creature and long before I had kids of my own. Every year I am a little more nostalgic and emotional about his birthday because I know he is getting older and his time with me is growing shorter.
He inspired me to expand my business from photo restoration to photographing pets, he’s the silhouette in my logo, the reason I met my husband and truly will forever be my soul dog.
For anyone interested in details about his birthday cake, I purchased the cake mix from Petsmart (on major clearance now!) and the reusable silicone pan is from Amazon here.
Be sure to hug your pets extra close today and always. You never know when your last day together will be. Consider having your pets professionally photographed as they age – I offer specially priced sessions for senior and pets nearing the rainbow bridge. You can see more details on my Going with Grace website here.

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