I am SO thrilled to launch my redesigned website, dedicated to Going with Grace. My heart has pulled me in this direction for so many years. I recently received a request for an emergency session and I swirled with emotions afterwards. It was a further reminder how much people count on me for comfort through imagery in these final days. https://petsgoingwithgrace.com/
The new Going with Grace website also includes a blog. I will add sessions (with permission) and resources for coping with pet loss. If anyone has something they think would be helpful, please reach out to jennifer@fixyouriages.com. My hope is for this to be an educational and comforting space for those going through the loss a beloved pet.
Be sure to check out my latest podcast interview as well. Give it a listen and let me know what you think about this sensitive topic. And be sure to share with your friends who have aging or critically ill pets.
Apple: https://apple.co/36Vzlh5
Amazon Music: https://amzn.to/2YW0ufx

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